A Very warm welcome to You today, from Pastor Grace!

What Faith Is - 3

True Faith reckons on God's Faith.
In earlier life I used to seek after greater faith by considering how great God was, how rich, how strong; why should He not give me money for His work, since He was so rich?
Why not carry the entire burden of my responsibilities, since He was so mighty?

My now firm conviction that He is absolutely faithful

  • faithful to His covenant engagements in Christ,
  • faithful to His promises,
  • and faithful to the soul that, at His clear call has stepped out into any enterprise for Him.

We may lose heart and hope,

  • our head my turn dizzy and our heart faint,
  • friends may stand at a distance,
  • the mocking voices of our foes suggest that God has forgotten or forsaken;

but He is continually faithful

  • He cannot deny Himself,
  • He cannot disown the helpless child whom He has begotten, because it ails,
  • He cannot throw aside responsibilities He has assumed.

He has made commitments, and He must always be faithful.

Oftentimes I have gone to God in dire need, aggravated by nervous depression and heart-sickness, and said, "My faith is flickering out. Its hand seems paralyzed, its eye blinded, its old glad song silenced forever. But You are faithful, and I am reckoning on YOU!"

The soul loves to go after the promises of God to Himself who made them, as the wife needs not quote the pledges made by her husband in the marriage-service when she is sure of him, and feels the loving pressure of his hand.

Do not trouble about your Faith; reckon on God's Faithfulness.
If He bids you step out on the water, He knows that He can bring you safely back to the boat.
When an Alpine guide takes you over a ragged piece of ice, he considers whether, in the event of your utter collapse, He is not able to carry you through by the strength of His iron grasp and sinewy frame.
What iron is to the blood, that the thought of God's faithfulness is to faith.

"Sarah received power... since she counted Him faithful that promised";
Abraham grew mightily strong through faith, giving glory to God."

Thank You that today I can rest my faith firmly and securely in the fact of Your undying faithfulness,
in Jesus' name I pray,