A Very warm welcome to You today, from Pastor Grace!

What Faith Is - 4

Faith bears the Fruit of Christ.
It cannot help it, because faith links the soul with Christ, so that the energy of His life pours into that soul through the artery of faith, and, as faith comes in, so it must make a way for itself out.
Fruit is (so to speak) forced from the believing soul.

Why does the lark sing?
It cannot help it, because the spirit of spring has been poured into its heart.

Why does the branch bear fruit?
It cannot help it, because the life-forces are ever pouring up from the root.

Why does a child run to meet his mother?
He cannot help it, because his heart has imbibed her nature.

So the believer, united to Christ, receives grace upon grace from His heart, and from the abundance of His indwelling, the believer's life speaks.

bring forth in my life, Your fruit of faith, so that I may glorify You fully,
in Jesus' name,