5 - Seeking Help From Christ

"It came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples."
(Luke 11:1)

The disciples were wise to go to Christ about the matter of prayer. No one could teach the disciples better about praying than Christ.

From this request recorded here about the disciples asking Christ about prayer, we note the stimulation for the request, the superiority of the request, the specifics of the request, and the support for the request.

Stimulation for the request. "As he was praying . . . when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him." It was the praying of Jesus Christ that stimulated the request to be taught about prayer.

This exhorts believers to live in such a way that it will stimulate others to live a godly, dedicated life. Does our service for God inspire others to serve? Too often God’s people are examples of deficiency, not devotion.

Superiority of the request. "Lord, teach us to pray." We often ask the Lord for many things that we do not need. But one thing we need above many other things is to know how to pray.

It is one of the greatest needs of God’s people. Inability to pray aright is a real problem among church members. The prayers made at church are too often inexcusably defective.

Specifics of the request. "Teach us to pray." This request can be looked at from two standpoints. First, it speaks of the ability to pray. We need to be taught how to pray. We need to be taught what it is to pray, when to pray, and for what we should pray, "For we know not what we should pray for as we ought" (Romans 8:26).

Second, it speaks of the attitude to pray. We do not pray enough. We need to be instructed and inspired to pray more. Teach us simply "to pray" is a fundamental need of every soul.

Support for the request. "As John also taught his disciples." John taught his disciples to pray, and Christ’s disciples wanted Jesus to teach them to pray, too.

We need more men like John the Baptist who will teach their followers about prayer. Church people are too often taught more about promotion than about prayer by their pastors’ words and deeds.

adapted from the book
Daily Bible Reading Sermonettes 2 by John Butler, 2004

Hope we can get together again tomorrow, God willing.
Meanwhile, have a great day walking with the Lord!

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