• The Stronghold of Trust


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  • The Stronghold of Trust


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  • The Stronghold of Trust


    Pastor Grace's Vintage Series!

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Chapter 1

They who know Your Name will put their trust in YOU.
Psalm 9:10.
God has never asked but one thing of a human being since the world began; and that is, THAT WE SHOULD TRUST HIM.
He does not ask that we should understand Him, or explain Him, or vindicate Him, or anything else but this, that we shall have confidence in our Maker.
A person's duty to God is summed up in this: Have faith in God.
In this single demand, God asks only what is in every person's power, and a simple quality that is demanded in every sphere of life. But in it He asks that which it is most difficult to give, and most precious to possess.
Faith lies at the foundation of all our life. Every person lives by faith. The human race holds together by a huge system of mutual trust.
We take our journeys on trust. We trust the clerks, porters, drivers, guards, pilots, engineers, and a whole host of other people we have never seen, every time we travel.
If we waited till we had proved that there was neither conspiracy, treachery, nor fatal flaw in the whole system, we should never start.

Chapter 2

We never take a meal without great demands being made upon our faith. We are never sure that somebody may have poisoned our food! We eat in faith. At every turn and in every act we are called upon to trust.
Even our knowledge rests upon faith. There is no knowledge without trust.
Before we can learn we have to trust our teachers. We must accept from them what we have no power to prove. And when we have come to the full strength of our reasoning powers, we find that all knowledge rests upon certain fundamental truths which no man can prove.
The assumption of Science and Philosophy are quite as great as the beliefs of religion. The things most assured begin by demanding our faith. The foundation of things demonstrated is in things not proven. Faith is the key to knowledge.
All our activities proceed upon a basis of faith. Commercial life could not live for an hour apart from trust. Destroy confidence, and trade is impossible. We buy and sell by faith.
And who can tell how large a part trust plays in our domestic and social life! All friendships are held by trust.
It is the same paradox we have found everywhere else. Only they that trust Him can come to the knowledge of Him, and they that have come to that knowledge put their trust in Him.

Chapter 3

Every home is built upon trust. Where there is no trust there is no home. Suspicion, jealousy, distrust, these things turn homes into places of agony and torment. Hell is a place where there is no faith. That is the secret of its despair.
If the universal demand of life be for faith, need we be surprised if faith is the first requisite in the life of faith.
The Creed begins with: I Believe! Its condition of salvation is Believe! The sum of its demands rightly interpreted is Believe! Without faith it is impossible to please God. But without faith it is impossible to do anything.
But if faith is the key to knowledge, knowledge is essential to faith. This paradox is not a contradiction. There is no knowledge without faith, and there is no faith without knowledge.
Faith is an intelligent grace, not an ignorant assumption. Ignorant trust is superstition. Credulity is a very different thing from confidence. Devout ignorance is as disastrous as wilful wickedness.
All trust is personal. We do not trust things, we trust people. The confidence we place in things is due to the testimony of people we trust. Here again trust is essential to knowledge, and knowledge essential to trust.
The only way to find out the trustworthy is by trusting. Trust for its continuance depends upon knowledge.
The stronghold of a good man's trust is in what he knows of God. Without faith we can never know Him, and only they that know Him can trust Him.

Chapter 4

The battle of life is always fiercest in its assault upon our trust. All the forces, both of diplomacy and attack, are turned upon this one point.
The devil slanders God. Unbelief denies what God has affirmed. And often appearances are on the side of the devil and doubt. Life seems strangely at variance with the Divine promise.
Calamity and catastrophe seem in startling contradiction to assurances of Divine government. The cruel might of wrong, and the helpless sufferings of the weak, deny the existence of righteous Omnipotence.
The ironies of Providence look more like the cruel sport of devils than the direction of wisdom and love. And through it all God neither argues nor explains, but simply bids us trust.
And the good man trusts God.
The certainties of the Divine character are the reason a person puts his faith in God. Having committed his life to the Lord, a person knows that all his days are in the keeping of God, his Father and Lord.
When he cannot understand, he keeps silence, because it is the Lord's doing. He knows if God did it, it must be right. A righteous God cannot do wrong. An all-wise God cannot make an error. An all-loving God can only act in love.

Chapter 5

Knowing this, he trusts God. His faith so triumphs that even in the darkness he sings, and amid the wreckage of his earthly life he exclaims: The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord. We trust because we know.
Who and what is the God we trust? Search out His Names.
He is the Most High; The Unchanging, Eternal, Righteous King.
The accessible God of Mercy, ever ready to hear the cry of the needy.
The Almighty God and all-loving Father.
This is our God. And they that have trusted Him have never been put to shame.
When faith is cornered, it falls back upon the Divine character, and answers the assaults of doubt with the fact that God is God, and God is Love. 'I know Him whom I have believed.' Knowing Him we cannot doubt.
In every time of anguish and trial we trust and are not afraid. There is nothing so precious, and there is nothing so mighty as trust. How we love to be trusted!
To neither God nor man is there anything more precious. To us it brings Salvation, Power, and Eternal Peace. God is trustworthy. Let us trust Him always and in all.

Stronghold of Trust is adapted from 25 Sunday Mornings and Evenings by Samuel Chadwick, who preached at the Oxford Place Chapel, where he ministered so mightily from 1894-1907.

We're so glad you persevered to the final chapter of this study,
and we hope you've been encouraged to pursue prayer in a new way.
Seeking God is one way to deepen and broaden your relationship with the Lord God,
and find your true purpose for being alive.